My name is Mrs. Joanne O'Keefe and I am the Special Educational Needs Co- ordinator (SENDCO) here at St. Clare's. I am responsible for co- ordinating provision for pupils identified as having SEND. I work closely with our skilled team of learning support assistants and class teachers to ensure pupils with SEN make good progress. If you have any concerns about your child possibly having additional needs or your child has been identified as having additional needs, and you would like to speak to me, please contact me directly via my email address or by ringing the school office to make an appointment.
Telephone: 0161 740 4993
“Every child has an entitlement to personal, social and intellectual development and must be given the opportunity to achieve his/her potential in learning”
NASEN (National Association for Special Educational Needs) Mission statement.
St. Clare's R.C Primary School is committed to providing a safe, stimulating learning environment that meets the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs. There is a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, should be offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. Meeting the needs of pupils with SEN is a collaborative effort involving the pupil, parents and school staff. We aim to work closely with families to plan appropriate support and review progress.
At St. Clare's we have high expectations of all our learners and aim for all pupils to reach their full potential regardless of their gender, race, culture or background. We recognise, however, that every child develops at their own pace: academically, physically, socially and emotionally and that some pupils have special educational needs (SEN) which require extra provision that is in addition to and different from the normal adapted curriculum. St. Clare's is fully committed to providing an inclusive education for all children. As such, our aim is to identify and assess children with special educational needs as soon as possible in their school journey.
Extra support may be provided for the following areas of need; language and literacy, numeracy, speech and communication, social skills, self- esteem and confidence, concentration, behaviour and motor skills. This support is often given in the classroom by the class teacher or learning support assistant but sometimes pupils are withdrawn from the classroom for individual or small group teaching in quieter areas of the school.
Outside specialists are also regularly called on to support children with special needs.
These include:
Educational Psychologist
Occupational Therapist
Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)
CAHMS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Here at St. Clare's we ensure that all our pupils are inclusive in all lessons. We adapt our teaching and learning using a graduated response to help ensure inclusivity.