Welcome to Year 1's class page! Here you can find information about what we are learning about and general information about your class. 

If you need to contact your class teacher about anything please email them - 

1G: Miss Guidon - k.guidon@st-clares.manchester.sch.uk

1S: Miss Sabor - r.sabor@st-clares.manchester.sch.uk


Welcome to Year 1


Curriculum Overview:

Year 1 Autumn 1 Overview


PE days: 

1G -  Monday and Wednesday 

1S - Monday and Wednesday 


We ask that your child has a plain white t-shirt, black shorts (jogging bottoms in the colder weather) and suitable footwear. Children are to come to school wearing their PE kits on their PE day.


Reading Books:

In the words of Dr Seuss ‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go’

Reading is vital for your child’s development, so we naturally want to promote a love of reading here at St Clare’s. Your child will have opportunities to read in school, but we need your support too and we ask that your child reads daily at home. Your child will be able to change their shared reading books daily, providing their reading record is signed. RWI books will be changed every Thursday, so please ensure that reading books are brought into school each day.



English and Maths homework is sent home every Friday and should be brought back no later than the following Wednesday. We do understand that there may be occasions where this may be late. Please just let us know in advance as we are happy to re-arrange on the odd occasion. Spellings will be sent home each Friday for your child to practise at home for the Spelling Test on the following Friday!



Year 1 Spellings Autumn 1


Week 5

We can't believe how fast this term is going! We have had another great week in Year 1.


Maths has been all about Part-Whole models, we have looked at how a group of objects can be split into a half and how both parts make a whole. In English we have been writing speech bubbles for the characters in the book Bog Baby and we even wrote a speech bubble for Bog Baby travelling to a new place with us. This week we also celebrated the Mass of St Francis in church and spoke about who he was and why he became a Saint.


Week 4

We have had a brilliant week in Year 1 filled with so much learning and fun!


In English we read a book from our author of the half term Julia Donaldson called The Gruffalo, we used lots of different adjectives to describe what the scary character was like. In Maths we focused on number lines, we found missing numbers and counted backwards. We have been learning a new dance in PE and we are all really enjoying creating our own different moves. In RE we have talking about our families and how we can shows love to one another.


Week 2 & 3

Year 1 has been so busy in weeks 2 and 3!


In Maths we have been comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to. In English we have been writing lists of adjectives to describe Bog Baby (a character from our book) and using the adjectives to write character descriptions. Our Geography topic focused on the seven continents, we learnt a new song to help us to remember them. In Science we have been learning all about the five senses, we went on a sound walk to see what noises we could hear around school and decided if we liked them or not.


Week 1

Welcome back! It has been so lovely to welcome the children back to St Clare's this week. We have had lots of fun getting to know them and they have blown us away with how sensible they have settled into their new class. We have been very busy this week completing lots of learning! 

In our Maths lessons we have been counting and representing different numbers. In English we have been learning all about The Bog Baby and have been designing our own mysterious pond creatures and labelling them. We have spent some time researching fruit for our D&T topic of making fruit kebabs, as well as had lots of fun in our music lessons learning a new song - Hey you! 1G even got to have some doughnuts in the sunshine to celebrate their 100% attendance from the last week of reception!




Useful Links for Parents:

Please click on the link to access the reading meeting powerpoint presented to parents in October 2023. This can be used to support you when reading with your child at home.


Year 1 Reading meeting parent powerpoint October 2023

Online Games for Maths and Literacy

Capital Letters and Full Stops activities

Using Phonics at Home

Home Reading

Children's wellbeing activities


Year 1 RWI Parent meeting Oct 2022


Check out our videos on the four operations:



