30 November 2018

Image of 6H Blog: Winning Entry

During ICT this half term, year 6 pupils have been learning all about E-Safety, staying safe online, and writing blogs. We have looked in detail at what makes a good blog, how blogs can be helpful, how blogs can be harmful, and what particular types of blogs the children enjoy. We ended the unit by asking the children, in partners or small groups, to brainstorm some ideas of what would make a really good blog for the school website. They came up with some fantastic ideas, such as our year 6 fire safety trip, the newspaper club, tree club, the girls football tournament...the list was endless! To celebrate the end of the topic, I have chosen a winning blog from all the pupils in 6H, to publish on our website.


So...huge congratulations to Emmanuela, Tanya and Oliwia, your blog on welcoming pupils to our school is wonderful!


Our school is a family. We care and love for one another, just as Jesus taught us too. All of the teachers get along with the pupils and treat us with respect, and as students who attend St Clares, we can honestly say it is one of the greatest schools in North Manchester!

In our school we have many different activities such as: Debatemate, Football, Tree Club, Chess Club, and many more. All the pupils in our school love all the different clubs, and they put a lot of hard work into what they are doing.

Our Chaplains and School Council are run by the pupils themselves. The Chaplains spread the word of God throughout the school, showing just how important He is. The School Council are responsible for improving the school. The teachers believe it is good to get the children's point of view on how we can improve the school.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this and agree that our school is a warm, welcoming place. We hope to see you next year!


Well done girls, a fantastic blog post!

Posted by Rachel Howard

Category: School Achievements